
How can you get clients through Social Media?

Customers are the driving force for your business, without them your business cannot survive or even stand in market.

But the question, is how to get clients?
You might have heard it a number of times that how companies struggle to get clients. By adding other business tactics, business still fail to generate more customers.
Social media is considered as a great tool in generating more clients. You cannot always go and knock-on clients doors to create brand awareness. This is a major advantage of being in a digital world, just by sitting at your home you can reach a large number of audience.
How can you get clients through Social Media? Today, utilizing social media is much more effective than traditional media or print mode advertisements.

attracting clients on social media

So, here are some tips to help companies get clients through social media:

1. Choose the right social media platform

Before you start looking for clients on social media, you have to first find out the right social media channel for your business. You should be on the platforms where your potential clients are active, else you’ll only be getting dead leads.
You may start with determining audience engagement on each platform before choosing the right one.

2. Create a strong profile

Building a strong profile which involves creating a strong persona. It means a well-maintained profile with complete, accurate business information, promotional and engaging posts.
Once your profile is up, potential clients are more likely to come across you. An aesthically attractive and informative is how your profile should be.
Create shareable content on social media to grab the attention of potential customers.

3. Connecting with your customers

It is important to connect with your customers but you should not jump into selling your services right away. Be the first one to initiate offer, as you want to sell your products to them. But don’t overdo. Offer professionalism.

How to use different social media platforms?

1. Twitter

• Search for potential clients
• Reach out to atleast 2 clients every week
• Admire your competitors
• Tweet about your client’s product and support them.
• Acknowlege and appreciate others who support you

twitter icon

2. Facebook

• Join facebook groups having with your potential clients
• Join facebook groups having with your competitors
• Give free advices
• Provide free information and tutorials
• Start your facebook group
• Reach and help people

facebook icon

3. Instagram

• Follow People
• in Your Target Market
• Create Good Content
• Create shareable content
• Engage With Your Current Audience in Comments/DM
• Engage with Other People on Their Posts

instagram icon

4. Pinterest

• Grow your following
• Be clear in your bio
• Join group boards
• Make your pin look gorgeous

pinterest icon

Do’s and dont’s of social media:


  1. Do add value
    Social media helps you promote your brand and reaching out a target audience. So your content should be interesting and should add value in order to get you clients. Create engaging and shareable content.
  2. Focus on the right platform
    Your important platform is where your audience is mainly active on, this is where your main focus should be on.
  3. Be genuine
    Stay true in who you are and what you show online. Establish genuine online business identity.


  1. Don’t be selfish
    Talk about others businesses, acknowledge those who support you. Don’t always talk about yourself.
  2. Don’t steal
    Take inspiration but don’t copy. Be unique. Stealing could be copying of images or content. Use your own content, invest in stocked and licensed images.
  3. Don’t be a ghost
    Consistency is the key. How you post, what all you post, when you post, all these things matter.

Social media hacks to help you in the long run:

Social media is crucial in marketing and customer engagement.  But it has become difficult to reach the right people, using the right platform and at the right time.Here are few ways to maximize your social media efforts.

1. Use trending topics
2. Share your content on different platforms
3. Don’t spend time only on engagement
4. Build relationships with influencers
5. Optimize relevant tags
6. Build social connections
7. Invite people to like your posts
8. Invite people to like your page

How can you get clients through Social Media?